Healing Unhealthy Attachment Styles: The Solution To Being In Healthy Partnership And Becoming Securely Attached With Charisse Cooke

8th Jul, 2024

Erica Lippy

Abundance, Life Hacks, Podcasts, Transformation

Today’s conversation will help you understand the importance of attachment theory and how this influences the outcome in our relationships. Within this conversation you will learn what these attachment styles are and how each one uniquely influences how we react in a relationship. Then how can we learn a new way of attaching and moving into secure attachment.

My guest is Charisse Cooke is an attachment-based psychotherapist and author with over twenty years experience in relationship dynamics. She is also an online educator with a mission to mend the fabric of relationships through understanding and emotional resilience. Charisse’s approach to therapy is deeply rooted in adult attachment theory, offering a compassionate lens through which to view and transform one’s relational universe.

Charisse discusses attachment theory and its importance in understanding our attachment style. We explore the four main attachment styles and the patterns that show up in our relationships based on our attachment style, in which we learn how these patterns are influenced by our upbringing. Charisse emphasizes the need to take responsibility for our own patterning and rewrite a new narrative. She stresses the importance of self-love, self-trust, and self-respect in developing healthy boundaries and asserting ourselves.

Now let’s talk about this subject:

Healing Unhealthy Attachment Styles: The Solution To Being In Healthy Partnership And Becoming Securely Attached

In this conversation, Erica Lippy and Charisse Cook discuss attachment theory and its importance in understanding our attachment style. They explore the four main attachment styles: secure attachment, anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, and fearful avoidant attachment. They delve into the patterns that show up in our relationships based on our attachment style and how these patterns are influenced by our upbringing. They emphasize the need to take responsibility for our own patterning and rewrite a new narrative. They also discuss the importance of self-love, self-trust, and self-respect in developing healthy boundaries and asserting ourselves. The conversation concludes with the idea that awareness and choice are key in changing our patterns and attracting healthier partnerships. In this conversation, Charisse Cook discusses the importance of unlearning behaviors to move into a secure attachment. She emphasizes the significance of choosing a partner who is kind and willing to put in work, as well as the importance of personal growth and development. Charisse also highlights the impact of our choice of partners on our nervous system and the need for emotional regulation in relationships. She suggests practices such as breathing, physical touch, and self-reflection to regulate emotions. Additionally, Charisse recommends individual and couples therapy as beneficial for working on relationship issues.

“Attachment theory gives us a roadmap to understand the way we relate in relationships.”

We Talk About:

  • Understanding Attachment Theory and Its Importance
  • Exploring the Four Attachment Styles
  • Patterns in Relationships Based on Attachment Style
  • Developing Self-Love, Self-Trust, and Self-Respect
  • The Power of Awareness and Choice in Changing Patterns
  • Unlearning Behaviors and Moving into a Secure Attachment
  • The Impact of Partner Choice on Our Nervous System
  • The Benefits of Individual and Couples Therapy
  • The Importance of Emotional Regulation in Relationships
  • Recognizing Our Impact on Others

More insight…

 “If you were to leave with us a piece of wisdom you have learned in your life’s journey, what would that life lesson be that you would love to share with us today?

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Abundance, Life Hacks, Podcasts, Transformation



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