Transforming Trauma Into Triumph: Healing, Personal Growth, And Breaking The Cycle Of Abuse With Kelly Siegel

20th May, 2024

Erica Lippy

Life Hacks, Podcasts, Self Love, Transformation

In this episode we talk about the importance of doing our inner work so that we will no longer live a life that has been influenced by our past. To break the chains that keep us from living our fullest potential. My guest’s upbringing was horrific, filled with emotional, physical abuse and neglect by those that should love him most. In this episode we discuss what it takes to break the cycle of abuse and addiction and how we can transform our lives into more bliss, love, and fulfillment.

Welcome my guest, Kelly Siegel. He is the CEO of National Technology Management (NTM). Kelly has been delivering results since running his first paper route as a twelve-year-old. Besides his goal to make NTM the gold standard of the IT industry, his mission in life is to leave a legacy, or in Kelly’s words, “make a dent.” His relentless drive to better himself is breaking his family’s cycle of abuse, addiction, and poverty. Kelly takes personal progress to the next level by continuously improving his physical, emotional, and mental health and performance by working out daily, reading voraciously, and practicing mindfulness. You’ll find him feeding people at spontaneous cookouts in his backyard, volunteering his time for causes close to his heart, and mentoring the next generation of leaders.

Now let’s talk about this subject:

“Transforming Trauma Into Triumph: Healing, Personal Growth, And Breaking The Cycle Of Abuse ”

Kelly Siegel shares his journey of personal development and overcoming a difficult past. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in personal growth. Kelly discusses his childhood experiences of abuse and neglect, and how he broke the cycle of abuse in his own life. He talks about his journey of healing, which involved quitting alcohol and drugs, and seeking therapy and personal development resources. Kelly also highlights the significance of self-love and taking responsibility for one’s own happiness. He encourages listeners to do the inner work and be honest with themselves in order to create positive change. Kelly emphasizes the importance of keeping promises to oneself and the power of consistency. He shares his journey of personal growth and the impact it has had on his relationships, including his role as a father. Kelly recommends books such as ‘The Four Agreements’ and ‘Atlas of the Heart’ as valuable resources for personal healing and growth. He also highlights the significance of living in the present moment and continuously working on oneself. Kelly encourages listeners to prioritize relationships and embrace the power of vulnerability.

“Keeping the promises you make to yourself.”

We Talk About:

  • Lessons he learned from hardship
  • Healing and Personal Development: Breaking the Cycle
  • The Power of Self-Awareness and Change
  • Building Discipline and Consistency for Personal Growth
  • Protecting Children and Navigating Parenthood
  • Books for Personal Healing and Growth
  • Living in the Present Moment
  • The Power of Self-Improvement and Relationships

More insight…

 “If you were to leave with us a piece of wisdom you have learned in your life’s journey, what would that life lesson be that you would love to share with us today?

Resources included in episode

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Find our guest:

Kelly Siegel





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Life Hacks, Podcasts, Self Love, Transformation



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Erica Lippy

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