24 Powerful Life Lessons Learned That Can Radically Change Your Life

26th Aug, 2024

Erica Lippy

health & wellness, Life Hacks, Podcasts, Transformation

 Today’s episode, it will not only be a special one because it’s a solo episode, but also because of the valuable lessons I am sharing that I have personally learned through my journey of growth.  I believe each and everyone of us will take away at least a few that really resonate and can serve us in becoming our highest self. Since last week I turned 44 ( which trust me, it’s hard to believe myself as I feel 35), I will be sharing 44 lessons that I only wished I learned sooner. Although I will be breaking up this episode into two parts. Today’s episode consists of 20 of these powerful life lessons. So don’t forget to tune into next week’s episode that will include the remaining 16. I hope by sharing my personal lessons that it might give you a different perspective on life and whatever you might be going through. I believe life is always teaching us lessons to help guide us in becoming our most highest, vibrant and authentic self so that we are living in alignment with the calling that God has placed on our hearts. 

Now let’s talk about this subject:

“24 Powerful Life Lessons Learned That Can Radically Change Your Life”

In this solo episode, Erica Lippy shares 24 valuable lessons she has learned throughout her personal growth journey. The lessons cover a wide range of topics, including self-acceptance, self-love, authenticity, personal responsibility, and the importance of health and stress management. Erica emphasizes the power of perspective and the impact it can have on our lives. She also highlights the importance of cultivating self-awareness and taking radical responsibility for our own happiness and success. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and practical advice for personal growth and living a fulfilling life.

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me”

We Talk About:

  • Self-acceptance is the pathway to self-love.
  • Everything you seek is already within you.
  • Everything in life is a mirror.
  • You must be a beginner to become an expert.
  • Be conscious with your yeses and conscious with your noes.
  • Authenticity is your superpower.
  • To find peace, you must remove yourself from chaos.
  • We are all uniquely different, but at the core, we are all the same.
  • You are your only limitation.
  • You can’t intervene in a world you cannot see.
  • Radical responsibility will change your life.
  • Every relationship starts and ends with the relationship you have with yourself.
  • You must fully allow yourself to grieve.
  • Your health is your greatest wealth.
  • Stress is a silent killer.
  • The greatest act of love is presence.
  • We attract based on who we are, not what we want.
  • The problems in your life are less about the things that are happening and much more about the way you see them.
  • Everyone is doing their very best with where they are at.
  • There is magic in surrender
  • Protect your peace
  • It’s less about becoming someone different, but more about un-becoming everything that you are not.
  • You teach people how to treat you and what you will tolerate
Resources included in episode

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health & wellness, Life Hacks, Podcasts, Transformation



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Erica Lippy

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