Overcoming Burnout: Reclaiming Your Joy And Remembering Who You Are With Jessica Zweig

15th Jul, 2024

Erica Lippy

Abundance, Life Hacks, Mindfulness, Podcasts, Transformation

Jessica Zweig returns on the show to share the transformation journey that led her into rediscovering her light by returning to the darkness that led her to massive burnout, depression, and ultimately a lack of fulfillment and joy in her success and the life she created. We talk about her new book, The Light Work; Reclaim your feminine power, live your cosmic truth, and illuminate the world.

Jessica Zweig is a #1 best selling author, serial entrepreneur, Founder of the SimplyBe agency, and a business, branding, and spiritual coach for women worldwide, She’s been described as a “voice of her time” by Marianne Williamson and named a “Personal Branding expert” by Forbes. She’s the host of the top ranked business and spirituality podcast, “The Spiritual Hustler,” and has been featured on over 100 podcasts, She’s been seen on Inc. Fox, Abc, Nbc, Thrive Global, Girlboss.com, and more as an expert on how an authentic personal brand is the key to a more successful career.

Now let’s talk about this subject:

“Overcoming Burnout: Reclaiming Your Joy And Remembering Who You Are”

In this conversation, Erica Lippy interviews Jessica Zweig about her new book, The Light Work. They discuss topics such as burnout, the importance of embracing both light and dark aspects of ourselves, and the cultivation of joy. Jessica shares her personal journey of transformation and offers practical advice for reclaiming joy and living in alignment with our true selves.

“Joy is your birthright”

We Talk About:

  • Cultivating joy as a daily practice
  • The key to avoiding burnout
  • Living in alignment with our true essence.
  • Reclaiming parts of us that feel lost
  • Radical responsibility for our the outcome in our life
  • How self acceptance and personal responsibility is the key to our transformation
  • The journey in Egypt that transformed her

More insight…

 “If you were to leave with us a piece of wisdom you have learned in your life’s journey, what would that life lesson be that you would love to share with us today?

Resources included in episode

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Abundance, Life Hacks, Mindfulness, Podcasts, Transformation



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Erica Lippy

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