Creating Your Future Self: Live Authentically In Your Purpose, Power and Highest Potential With Roxanne Saffaie

27th May, 2024

Erica Lippy

Life Hacks, Mindfulness, Transformation

Today’s episode is for each and everyone of us that are wanting to live our most vibrant life as our truest expression of who we are authentically with passion and purpose. I brought on my expert guest to dive deeply into what it means to live authentically aligned and fully expressed in our unique power and gifts.

Roxanne Saffaie, is a Self-Mastery expert, writer, top-ranked podcast host, and mentor, empowering women globally. She inspires your ability to live authentically and boldly pursue your desired life. Her insights help you transform challenges into growth opportunities, harnessing the power of absolute Self-love and trust to experience your true potential with heart, soul, and fire.

Her unstoppable mission is mpowering women to develop a trusted, revered, and loving Self-bond with their authentic Self that curates a life of mastery and fulfillment. Roxanne combines her gifts of resilience, wisdom, intuition, and strategic thinking that turn life experiences into the life-transformative skills she teaches.

Roxy shares her journey of self-discovery and self-love, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and self-compassion.She highlights the significance of identifying and living by one’s true values and setting high standards for oneself. Roxy emphasizes the need to ask oneself, ‘How much effort am I worth?’ and encourages us to push ourselves to reach our fullest potential. In this episode she shares strategies for developing self-love, discovering oneself, and continuously practicing self-awareness.

Now let’s talk about this subject:

“Creating Your Future Self: Live Authentically In Your Purpose, Power and Highest Potential”

Roxanne Saffaie shares her journey of self-discovery and self-love, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and self-compassion. She encourages listeners to spend time journaling and asking themselves questions to gain self-awareness. Roxanne highlights the significance of identifying and living by one’s true values and setting high standards for oneself. She also discusses the role of self-acceptance and self-respect in bridging the gap between one’s current self and future self. Roxanne emphasizes the power of self-love and self-trust in creating a fulfilling and authentic life. In this conversation, Roxanne Saffaie discusses the importance of self-love and self-awareness in personal growth. She emphasizes the need to ask oneself, ‘How much effort am I worth?’ and encourages individuals to push themselves to reach their full potential. Roxanne also shares strategies for developing self-love, such as finding someone to admire and studying their qualities, as well as practicing self-awareness through journaling and meditation. She highlights the interconnectedness of physical and mental health in achieving personal growth and emphasizes the importance of being intentional in creating one’s future self.

“You can’t be learning and judging at the same time”

We Talk About:

  • How to go on the path of self discovery
  • Investing quality time with yourself
  • Knowing your true values
  • Question everything
  • Judgment lens to student lens
  • Why it’s important to have standards and commitments
  • Feeling alignment
  • Setting the foundation to keep your word and standard you have for yourself
  • Setting High Standards: Prioritizing Self-Respect and Self-Acceptance
  • Asking yourself what can get in the way of what you want
  • Uncovering what’s beneath our identity we have for ourselves
  • Bridging the gap between ourselves and our future selves
  • The worthiness issue
  • Why self compassion is necessary
  • Self acceptance
  • The Self mastery code
  • Ask yourself, ‘How much effort am I worth?’ and push yourself to reach your full potential
  • Practices to start walking the path towards self love
  • Two Tools to gain self awareness

More insight…

 “If you were to leave with us a piece of wisdom you have learned in your life’s journey, what would that life lesson be that you would love to share with us today?

Resources included in episode

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Find our guest:

Roxanne Saffaie






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Life Hacks, Mindfulness, Transformation



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Erica Lippy

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