Nikki Sharp | Giving Yourself The Permission To Heal: Detox and Replenish The Body, Mind, and Spirit
28th Mar, 2022
Erica Lippy
Today’s episode brings together the full spectrum of healing. As everything is intertwined, so healing our whole self is not by addressing one single thing, as one thing affects the next thing and the next thing. We must take an integrated approach and address our mind, body, and soul. Today’s guest shares her philosophy on healing the whole self from each of these three cornerstones.
Welcome my guest, Nikki Sharp. She is a best-selling author, wellness expert, and the creator of the #1 app, The 5-Day Detox, along with the wildly popular e-book, The 5-day Detox. Formerly an international model, Nikki Sharp’s own health journey led her to become passionate about helping others create a balanced and fulfilled life through food, exercise, and spirituality. Since creating her lifestyle brand she can be seen giving health tips on national shows such as Access Hollywood, Extra TV, Good Day LA, and is frequently featured in magazines and online components. Through her work as a health coach and wellness blogger, Nikki’s mission is to spread the knowledge of healthy living for the mind, body and soul.
Now let’s talk about this subject:
“Giving Yourself The Permission To Heal: Detox and Replenish The Body, Mind, And Spirit”
It’s time to starting choosing you. This is your permission to start your healing journey; begin to detox and replenish your body, mind, and soul. With the help of wellness expert, Nikki Sharp she will guide you through the 3 cornerstones to help you feel vibrant and renewed once again. Learn how to develop a healthy mindset around food to nourish your body with nutrients, make choices aligned with what you need, and feel deeply connected to your soul and intuition.
“Healing starts and ends with us”
We Talk About:
- Showing up in our humanness
- Struggling with body image
- Her healing journey
- Moving into a healing mindset
- Eating disorders and disordered eating…knowing the difference
- Associating exercise with a negative thing
- Changes she made to get out of eating disorder
- Why you might be disconnected to your intuition
- Addressing our gut health first
- 5 day detox ebook and why it was so popular
- Her philosophy on food
- Why we should eat colorful foods
- The must haves for food and the one thing to avoid
- Having a healthy mindset around fitness
- Having your own spiritual practice
- The greatest lesson she learned from a recent journey through healing
- Our outer experience is a reflection of our inner experience
- Relationships being a mirror
- Taking ownership for our life
- Practices for healing oneself
- Power in journaling and gratitude
- How holding onto emotions affects our body
- Creating space for healing
- Manifesting…her approach
- Not being in a needy energy
- Self love and self care practices
More insight…
What would be a piece of advice you would share like to share with others?
Resources included in episode
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